Friday, May 15, 2009


Well, I am now in Jack's club!
Our great-grandson fell and cut his poor little face, right under the eyebrow. I fell the other night, tripping over the tram tracks, and got a poor old face full of strasse (street), mashed lip, AND a cut just under my eyebrow. Late at night. Blood everywhere. No steri strips. So Elder G went to the Bahnhof (train station) where things are open late and tried to find some. The Apotheke (pharmacy) was closed, but someone was there and took pity on the poor man pleading for help for his wounded wife.
Steri strips in place . . .
. . . wounds closed . . .
. . . Slept well!

I must watch my step!


Jane Anne said...

how are you feeling?

Michelle Glauser said...

Es tut mir Leid! I hope it will get better soon! And I had to laugh when I saw the word verification I have to type in. It is "nonscar." I think the computer also hopes it doesn't scar.

Elder and Sister Grassli said...

I think that's the funniest thing I heard this week!