You can be proud of them!
We add to this post from time to time, so check back!
German tip at district meeting
Arriving back in Bern after district meeting in Interlaken
The Yoga demo!
Elder Talley and Elder Farnsworth on their last Sunday together
At the temple
Sister Christopher and Sister Gardner visit the Institute Center for Young Adults and sample cinnamon rolls.
Elder Grassli and Elder Hafen visiting before a baptism.
Elder Rowley and Elder Hafen with their newly-baptised convert, Gladys.
And of course brownies help make it a celebration!
Brand new and the picture of serenity at zone conference!
A "golden" (they aren't "greenies" here) has
graduated to senior in one transfer? Wow!
Well, sort of. Ask him, Mom.
New to the district and he's brought a great spirit with him!
You have one of my favorite smiles, Elder!
"Hey, what can I say?"
Studying during a brief break in appointments.
So diligent!
Gathering for a temple session . . .
He just wasn't quite fast enough saying the German word!
It's okay, Mom. He didn't get hurt, just wet!
They all look so cute! great photos
Yay for Elder Schults!
Hi Grasslis! It made me so happy to see your blog! I miss switzerland and especially insti like crazy! Im doing well at home. I started classes a couple of weeks ago and am back training with my rugby team. We head off for the first round of nationals next week! I hope that everything is going well there, tell everyone hi for me and tell them I miss them!
why is that missionaries just make you smile...??? you guys can't have too much fun now....we want you to come home!
That's what I'm talking about, baby!! Whose my brother!?! You are one good looking Elder Mattie. Make me proud Poodle!
Just in case you were wondering . . . Minda is Elder Schults's sister. :D
Hi! this is Elder Hafen's mom -- I loved seeing the photos -- thanks so much for posting them!
Debbie Hafen
tank you so much for posting them .. it made me so happy to see your blog ! i love the Swiss Missionaries " MOM AND DAD " hope to meet you all and make fun with you all " mum and dad " please. tell me how can i be missionarie ?
im looking forward to hearing from you all.. please
love and peace from Palestine
my email " "
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