Last night at the Center the YSAs held their first Friday night activity--a casual music evening of performing artists and other entertainment, followed by freshly cooked hot waffles.
For a beginning event, it was pretty darn good!
Pictured here are the performers, whose varied offerings were: an Israeli dance tune on the pan flute, Hawaiian love songs on the ukelele, clarinet jazz, Bach on the violin, and piano/vocals from musicals. And this is only a small sample of the talent available in this stake.
More musik abends will follow, I'm sure!
And then all heck broke loose! A new facet was added to the ever popular (could I venture to say it is an obsession?) 'Round the World ping pong. They tried it on rolling desk chairs!
Honestly! What next!?
Earlier in the week we had a very successful highlight abend. The students were divided into groups and each group was given a scripture from the New Testament (this year's course of study) from which they were to create a Mormonad-type poster.
They were great!
I wanted to do an entire post about that evening, but somehow I lost the photos! I can see them when I scroll through them on the camera, but I can't see them when I try to get them for the blog. Hmmmm . . .
I bet you loved the Bach violin. Also, the rolling chair ping pong looks so fun!!!
I hope dad is feeling better. Love you both!
It looks like things are picking up!
Say hi to all of the JAEs. They are lovely people. And so are you.
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