And then all heck broke loose! A new facet was added to the ever popular (could I venture to say it is an obsession?) 'Round the World ping pong. They tried it on rolling desk chairs!
Honestly! What next!?
Leonard and Michaelene Grassli called to serve in the Zurich Switzerland Mission
And then all heck broke loose! A new facet was added to the ever popular (could I venture to say it is an obsession?) 'Round the World ping pong. They tried it on rolling desk chairs!
Honestly! What next!?
. . .for those who wish to come on Monday. This is last week's FHE where we said goodby to Sister Longhurst. (Hi, Sister Longhurst. Was it good to get home?) "Flat Austin" attended too, hanging behind us!
participate as "shadow leaders" in young adult councils, and Elder Grassli is a member of the stake high council.
help with activities held in the center, such as waffle night, music evening, highlight evenings (special speakers and activities), missionary district meetings, and missionary lessons taught by the missionaries.
In addition to what we do, the missionaries teach investigators, and English classes and Stop Smoking workshops in the center. They are . . . . . . wonderful missionaries who never stop!
When they are not in the center they are out finding and teaching people everywhere.
This is too much fun!
Anybody reading this who would like to try doing what we are doing, let us know.
We can help!