Thursday, October 2, 2008

There Is No End to the Beauty of the Alps!

And isn't he just so cute!
Appropriate photo combination!
P-Day dawned bright and sunny. What luck! Those two factors do not always occur together, and when they do, we have to go see Switzerland. This time we took Sister Longhurst and Sister Walker with us, and did we ever see some gorgeous stuff!
There was only one deterrent and I'm afraid it was me.
I had some dental work done last week and it got infected and my jaw became swollen, so I was on antibiotics and pain pills and not feeling so great.
But as I told Lenski (Elder Grassli), I will hurt where ever I am, so I might as well be out seeing the beauty instead of lying around the apartment feeling sorry for myself, which I had already done for a few days.
But I was grotesque, so I had to put away any vanity and endure the stares of those on the train and in the outdoor restaurant. The dear sisters pretended I was normal and we had a good time. I was glad I went, but I was not very much fun to be with, I'm afraid.

We are in Kleine Scheidegg, today. Takes your breath away . . .and it's not the altitude!

Elder Grassli was kind to me and took this photo from afar!

But the sisters looked great and could face the camera!

The majesty of the alps is stunning to say the least. I marvel at the absoute genius of God at creating such a world for us. "Man is that he might have joy," and the Lord has given us every opportunity to experience it. May we always drink in the joyous experiences that open to us!

1 comment:

Jane Anne said...

mom, you area a trooper. I'm afraid I would have stayed home and felt sorry for myself!! ha ha

I am glad you are feeling much better though and, like you, am truly amazed at the beauty of Switzerland. I want to come!!!