Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Each Day Brings Its Own Surprises

Take a look!
It was a surprise quick afternoon trip to check out an apartment in Wengen, where the views are breathtaking.
This is the view from the train station.
As we see Switzerland in between our work and on our way, I find myself thinking I can't quite absorb it all--that it is impossible to take in all the sometimes magnificent and sometimes serene beauty.

Elder Grassli is preparing for speaking in sacrament meeting in Interlaken.
(Keeping his gouty toe elevated!)
The high councilor assigned couldn't do it, and asked him, another surprise. Of course Dear Lenski included me in the invitation. He was able to do his in German, but I needed a translator.
We had the opportunity to explain the Outreach concept as we bore our testimonies of the restored gospel. Afterward we met with the wonderful bishopric who welcome our help with their Young Single Adults.
Another surprise! A couple, the Foxes, were visiting from California for an alphorn clinic, and they gave an impromptu recital following sacrament meeting in Interlaken.
They were good!

The ward members gathered in the doorway because it was cold outside!
It was definitely worth hearing . . .thanks, Brother and Sister Fox!

A morning in serene Emmental with one of Elder Grassli's sisters, Gretel.

We love you Greti! You are so much fun!
No surprise, there!


Jane Anne said...

I can't believe the scenery! It's just georgous. It was also fun to see a picture of Gretel. Keep them coming

Susan said...

Oh Greti! Give her a hug for me!