Today was our third zone conference.
President Matern asked us to prepare an orientation for the missionaries about the Institute Outreach Initiative. It was good for us to organize what we know in a way that would help prepare them to help in the centers where they do and will serve. We gave them the
What, Why, Who, Where, How, and When in a ten minute presentation.
It clarified the information for us, too
We enjoy the teaching of President Matern at these conferences. Today he taught about the history of events leading to the apostasy, including details that I had not known before. As I studied world history in my BYU Independent Study course last year, I learned so much about the history of religions and their influence on the history of the world and the development of cultures.
This today further enhanced my understanding from a Latter-Day-Saint viewpoint.
Truly the world has rejected truth over and over. How blessed we are to live in a time of restored truth, when the gospel is filling the earth.
And how blessed Elder Grassli and I are to be helping in our small corner, in our small way, to bring that blessing to others.
Sister Sims,
Sister Rogers, and Sister Luebke listened attentively!
Elder Andrizzi and Elder Ehlen translated the six-hour conference for me. They are good!
It is such hard work to translate. They have to listen intently, with not one minute of daydreaming or distraction, and it is exhausting! But they didn't complain a bit, and look! They are still smiling!
Mom, look here! Your elder made it safely and he is still smiling!
Relaxing for a minute after the conference is over.
The missionaries enjoy being together!