The past two weeks were happy with visits from two of our our daughters and their families!
Susan's came a few weeks ago.
Here are some peeks at what we did with these two.
We see a lot . . .
the Grassli name is recorded the earliest date that can be found:
Also got a bug bite that pestered me for ten days!
Your daughter looks just like you--beautiful!
Sister Grassli! Thanks so much for doing this blog, it was fun to be able to catch up a bit on the happenings over in Switzerland. I'm jealous of your family's trip, wish I could've been there too.
I can't believe you went twice in one week to the Materhorn!
Oops that was me on the last one...marie was signed in and I didn't know it.....
Love the pictures!! How wonderful that your family was able to come and visit!!
You're all such BEAUTIFUL people!
Sharon Miles Wilkins
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